TOC Awards Voting Important Information
Eligibility: Voting is open only to registered community members. Ensure you use the phone number associated with your TOC membership.
How to Vote: Click the "Vote Now!" button on a nominee's profile, fill in the details, and verify your phone number via OTP and cast your vote.
One Vote Per Nominee: Members can vote for 1 nominee per award title. You can vote for multiple award titles; however, only 1 vote per award title is allowed, regardless of how many nominees are in that category. If you vote more than once for nominees under the same award title, only your first vote will be considered.
Voting Deadline: Cast your votes by Thursday, 28th November, midnight. Late submissions will not be considered.
Verification Process: We will verify the voter's phone number using OTP. Any credentials that are not associated with TOC members will invalidate the vote.
Nominee Information: Review each nominee's name, award category, and organization before casting your vote as only your first vote will be considered.
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Cast Your Vote!
Note: Please vote for 1 nominee under 1 award title only ONCE. Use only your registered mobile phone with TOC. Using a different number will invalidate your vote.
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2024 TOC Awards
Final Nominees & Voting
The first ever TOC awards are full of excitement. After an overwhelming round of nominations, we are excited to share with you the final nominees. Take some time to go through them all and cast your vote.
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